We are aware that good education comes ta a cost and with the cost of education rising every year,very few parents can afford to pay the entire tuition fees upfront.
Well it is not about just affordability but also strecthing your dollar a little longer and making sure your have enough funds for the education costs but also your living costs whist you are staying in a foreign country and studying. Being financially sorted is important for you to continue studies uninterrupted
This is where Education Loans can make a pivotal difference!

Education loans usually are the best solution when –
With education loans the advantage are
- Education loans from Nationalised and approved banks are safe and accepted by the Immigration offices of all countries
- You pay interst only at least for the first year before the installment kicks in giving you time to save money to pay
- Education loans are for the purposes of edcuation hence considered genuine
- Education loans are easily verifiable and usually have much lower interest rates
- Allows you to pay whilst you study and work
EdVantage has tied up with numerous banks and approved financial organizations that provide Education loans. Talk to us and we can provide you a better understanding on how to secure a education loan that suits your requirement
Talk to us today
Travelling overseas, living in a foreign country, dealing with new traffic rules, new health and medical system, change in weather and food, all of these come with a bit of risk on health, safety and life depending on the situation and circumstances around your overseas study.
It is important that you are covered with the right and appropriate insurance and it is advisable that all international students have one in place before they travel abroad.
Student insurances are more affordable and premiums are lighter on the pocket. Get in while you can or ask us for help and we can sort this out for you.
Most colleges provide medical insurance but you can choose to pick a insurance yourself from an approved provider and provide the college and Immigration evidence of insurance bought as this has become a mandatory requirement in most countries
EdVantage has partnered with a leading insurance providers to coer your needs..talk to us today to get the ebst deal on your insurance.
Travel safe, Study well – talk to us about your travel and study insurance.
Contact EdVantage today!